DFR Patahas Redheart
AKA – Blu
Born 20th January 2015
ApHC UK #1781 – A Register
Appaloosa Horse Club UK Stallion License – #103
BApS – #861 – GRADE B
British Appaloosa Society Stallion License – #305
ApHC #677770 – 100% FPD & GAP 5
FAHR #1042 – 92.9687%
DREA Fire Frangelica x DREA Bluhawks Pataha.
Blu is a 5th generation horse of Appaloosa x Appaloosa breeding and therefore enrolled in the Foundation Pedigree Designation (FPD) program at 100 %. Born from two 100% FPD parents means he is also enrolled in the Generation Advancement Program (GAP) at level 5.
His foundation lines are traced back to the first 8 Stud Books of the ApHC at 92.9687%, registered with the Foundation Appaloosa Horse Registry, The Foundation Appaloosa Association and over stamped with the Appaloosa Horse Club UK, The British Appaloosa Society and the Sports Horse Breeding of Great Britain on their Basic Identity Register.
His phenotype is a blue/black near few spot, although his actual genotype is homozygous black (EE aa) with one copy of cream, making him a smoky black. Blu is also homozygous for the Leopard Complex gene (LP/LP) and the Pattern gene (PATN1/PATN1), 15.2hh.
Certified negative for PSSM1 – Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy, HERDA – Hereditary Equine Regional Dermal Asthenia, GBED – Glycogen Branching Enzyme Deficiency, HYPP – Equine Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis Disease, MH – Malignant Hyperthermia, Grey gene and Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC).
As a weanling, he was imported from the Double Forest Ranch in Switzerland, bought to increase the Redheart mare’s Foundation Blood Lines, add a bit of colour/characteristics and compliment the foals with his correct, compact build.
Full Pedigree HERE but this post is worth looking at for his BREEDING
Three Counties Show
ApHC UK National Show
2017 – Blu passed his 5 stage vetting for his Stallion licence and continued promoting the Pure Appaloosa.
Foreign Breed Society
World Breeds in-hand RESERVE CHAMPION
Open Foreign Breeds RESERVE CHAMPION
Appaloosa Horse Club UK
UK Young stock CHAMPION
Royal Three Counties Show
In-hand Appaloosa CHAMPION
ApHC UK National Show
British Appaloosa Society National Show
ApHC UK Amazing Blue Performance Award – RESERVE CHAMPION
ApHC – Register Of Merit – In Hand Halter – ROM Award
USA – UK – Certificate of Achievement for Non-Saddlebred In-hand CHAMPION
2018 – Blu becomes a proven stallion as we see his first get on the ground, see Redheart Ru.
We started collecting semen from him and what a pleasant stallion he is…
Our stud is designed for me to do everything safely on my own, I work full time and for a short period when he could smell the mares in season, my return home from work was greeted with a lot of screaming, he knew “The Job Was On” – See video Collecting Stallion Semen
Our four mares are all confirmed with single ovulations and are all due in April.
Appaloosa Horse Club UK National Show
Foreign Breeds Society (UK) Championship Show
Final In Hand Appaloosa of the Year
ApHC – Top 10 Three Year Old International Stallion R.O.M Award
Foreign Breeds Society (UK) In Hand Hi Points 2018 – FIRST PLACE
Blu will be “started” over the winter months.
2019 – An absolute dream to start, long reined and ridden away early February, turned away for 6 months and ridden for a month at the end of the year before being turned away until 2020.
April – Well what a month with no sleep…but we do not complain, we created them and therefore we have a duty to do our best to ensure their safe arrival – Red bull sales must have escalated!
15th April – Redheart Relentless out of Catori.
21st April – Redheart Rookie out of PP.
26th April – Redheart Revelation out of Evee.
28th April – Redheart Reflection out of Myka.
ApHC UK – National Show – In Hand – UK & USA CHAMPION STALLION
ApHC UK National Show – Winner of Ridden Youngster Class (Walk & Trott)
After 12 days at Stallion AI, he now has frozen semen available for the UK and Europe.
2020 – COVID
After having our 5 mares under lights, 4 of our proven broodmares have successfully been scanned in foal, our maiden Ghost has been dealing with the “transition” but she’s finally ovulated and we have a confirmed pregnancy.
The Class of 2021 all safely arrived and what a fabulous mixture of colour and patterns Blu helped produce…Three of our mares, Catori, Myka and Evee are all confirmed pregnant for 2022.
24th January – Redheart Raven out of Catori.
25TH January – Redheart River Run out of Myka.
28th January – Redheart Rain Dancer out of PP.
23rd February – Redheart Result out of Ghost.
12th March – Redheart Ricochet out of Evee.
Royal Windsor
So well behaved but striking off on the wrong lead put us in last place (as expected).
SpotFest @ Three Counties
2nd – Open Ridden – Excellent performance & manners.
ApHC UK National
3rd – Ridden Hunter
5th – Open Ridden
2nd – Restricted Riding Club
3rd – Open Riding Club with jump
BApS National
2nd – Open Ridden
The year started with the safe arrival of our foals…
19th February – Redheart Remembrance out of Evee.
20th March – Redheart Raphele out of Catori.
28th March – Redheart Romance out of Myka.
H.O.P.E Spring Show
6th – Pure Bred Foreign Breed
3rd – Walk & Trott
2nd – World Breeds
Royal Windsor
6th – Open Ridden with a “high five” to the Queen, excellent manners but totally out of character!
BPS Spring Show
4th – Registered Ridden exceeding 14.2hh and 1st as Cream Dilute
3rd – Open Ridden and 1st as Cream Dilute
CHAMPION Ridden Cream Dilute
We finished the season on a high (working fulltime and trying to show 3 horses is a challenge), we will return Blu to work over the winter months and hopefully start show jumping.
January to April, we started Blu show jumping – starting with a trotting around the 50cm courses finishing in April cantering around the 75/ 80cm courses. We have overcome challenges, show jumping at night time with CSNB has proven his trust in me but but more importantly we are really having fun and he’s proven CSNB doesn’t affect the ability to do anything!
We have not gone against the clock, just focused on firstly getting round and secondly getting clear rounds. We only judge ourselves against ourself!
Surprisingly, Blu has never been out of the placings in the big classes but our highlight has been a 5th place out of 21 competitors at Hartpury.
We started foaling in March but Blu’s “Get” all safely arrived:
7th April – Redheart Resolution out of Evee.
30th April – Redheart Recognition out of Catori.
8th May – Redheart Royalty out of Myka.
We will re-start Blu after his well deserved break and return to the ring of jumping, we will not be breeding from him this year as the mares deserve a year off.
Blu has had a long season with collecting semen, it’s been so late this year trying to get Catori pregnant we have decided to concentrate on our yearling fillies and get Reus and Fire ready for the Nationals. Blu certainly doesn’t mind, he’s enjoying life very much.
We are expecting two foals from him, Indi is confirmed pregnant due in March 2025 and Evee is due in April 2025.
Follow his career and future as a Stallion in the “News” and the “SALES” page for his foals.
Stallion Semen Collection – DFR Patahas Redheart
Appaloosas are known to be great JUMPERS
DFR Patahas Redheart having fun…
We didn’t expect to witness our stallion doing this whilst going to feed the other horses…